Witch kit to get?


New Member
Hello After the first build I did using a edger motor I knew this was the hobby for me...
I want to buy my first kit (I don't have much money(cant go over $120)) . First one I saw was the 66/80cc
kit from Bike berry but MN laws say I can only have one that's 50ccs or under. I don't know if I could get in trouble for that or what so I found another one at gasbike.net...its 48cc (Black stallion)
But I think I will be ordering from zoombicycles.I wanted to know a little more about these kits and (troubles or whatever :P) and maybe you guys can help me pick one out.

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Zoombicycles has awesome customer service. The quality of these Chinese kits is pretty "hit and miss", but dealing with Zoom has always been a pleasure for me. Which is good in case your kit is a "miss".
My first kit was a 49cc from Powerkingshop of Canada. Missouri law also states 50cc or less, etc. Over one year now and I have not been questioned by law enforcement anyway. 49cc on my 26" cruiser seems to be plenty of get up and go. I ride this bicycle daily to work.


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