sneak peak of acme V twin


New Member
won't be ready for awhile but heres a look at what were working on.


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!HOW! Crazy Horse here and I just want to say Ouch thats freakin hot man!!!

You guy's at Acme are setting the standard again with this new engine for the board track racer genre.

You and many other's here in our forum have demonstrated a limitless supply of talent & ingenuity.

In my opinion thats what makes this forum for motorized bicycling one best of if not the number (1) one
forum for motorized bicycling.

Keep us informed to your latest and greatest designs, and or modifications to your current product line and the new V-Twin 2-Stroke Motor prototype!

Peace & All the success you can handle, Crazy Horse has spoken the truth!!!
This was a message I sent to Jim (Creative Engineering) / Manic Mechanic
Almost one month ago.......:

Private Message: wo........
Recipients: Creative Engineering

06-26-2009, 10:36 PM

Motorized Bicycle Elite Member

Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Tampa Bay, FL
Posts: 230

Took a short nap on the couch and dreamt about a Siamese HT Motor. Two motors back to back, joined at the clutch gear. they had their own crankshafts.

Messed Up, huh...? =-]'


Would that motor design constitute as a "W" twin....?

"Everything Is Possible...If You Can See Beyond The Invisible"

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So this will be 100+ cc's of 2 stroke power...?
Each have their own dedicated crankshaft. I wonder if they will battle
each other, or need further synchronizing adjustments.
How will the timing be set up? 180 degrees?

Can't wait to see it in action!!!
Wonder what one would look like in my Bobber Frame?
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Just to cool. Can we get another pic of the other side? And what is the projected cost of this motor? Man I can see this on a board track racer!!!! The single just doesn't seem to have what it takes to fit, BUT this would!!!
!HOW! Crazy Horse say's JdmPunk this post is gonna hit a record, for most viewed thread.

Just a prediction, say's me!

Hope you can keep up with the huge amount of questions & requests for more info that this post generates!

Peace Crazy Horse!!!
Ill put my name down again for the first case :) you will definitely need the clutch kit for that motor.

thanks for the great response guys, we thought you might like it. the pics are of the rough mock up, it will be cleaned and smoothed for the pattern making and look much nicer in the final version, as of yet we have no estimate on the final cost, but plan to make cases and compleat engines. got a lot of work ahead of us on this, will keep posting progress reports and pics. it's 2 49cc motors slaved together and will be 180 deg. this one will only use 1 mag to run the engine, but we may change that to twin mags so one can also run a lighting system.
!HOW! Crazy Horse here.

Cam, good morning you and JdmPunk caused quite an uproar here yesterday, can't say that I to wasn't over come with the excitement to see that you guy's are really following thru with your plan for the new engine.

How soon before you fire it up, and please get it on video can't wait to hear her purring!!!

Many of the forum's well established sponsor's & dealers, and I like to call them charter members our forums founding members will be and I'm sure of it are watching this very closely, we all are very excited & proud of your work and glad that you have chosen our motorbicycling forum to share your design's, prototypes, and product lines with all of us here in the motorbicycling world.

Please do post as soon as possible more updates as your new twin cylinder motor is developed we look forward to your continued success with this new motor & all your remarkable design's & fabrication's as your work continues to mature & amaze us.

These tribute bikes are screaming for twin cylinders.

The yellow tribute bike (Cyclone) center photo has a faux motor, the other photo's show a excelsior-henderson tribute, a harley tribute, first and last photo's show my favorite the Indian tribute bike!

Peace Crazy Horse has spoken the truth!!!


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It looks really cool guys...It's going to take a lot of work to make it happen!

Do you think you'll have one running by the end of the year?

I've been thinking about doing a Board Track replica, from scratch, this fall...your twin would look great!

(Quote from Crazy Horse) "These tribute bikes are screaming for twin cylinders."

Don't know if my bikes are tribute bikes (maybe tribute to a different era),
but can I be included as well...? I'll scream for a twin cylinder if ya want me to... =-]'

Shouldn't take that long for completion I wouldn't think, as the motors are still "siamese" in that they have their own dedicated crankshafts. Just a new cast case to join them out of your mock up mold.
The synchronization can be changed at anytime, as it is as easy as spinning one cylinder into position
before screwing on the small gear on that side to the clutch gear. (may need to modify the keyway for multiple positions on that side.) Other than that, it pretty much seems all cut and dry....
Unless I'm missing something of course. Maybe better carburetors that would allow more acute synchronization adjustments.

Something very amazing is happening in the Motorized Bicycle World that I am sensing very strongly.
A shift into more mainstream interest abroad. More players are coming onto the field with their skills and knowledge. Eminently, Motorized Bicycles are going to evolve at a more rapid pace as of late. I feel this evolution is strikingly similar to The Birth Of The Motorcycle. The Harleys, Excelsiors, Indians, Hendersons, and the like, all had each other back in the day, which led to their own company's evolution.
They had friendly competition in the name of Board Track Racing.
and it benefitted all who adore the motorcycle as it is today.
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we should have one up and running soon. like brett said the basics are already there, we will try different timing of the cylinders, just a matter of moving one crank to see how it sounds, would be nice to get a nice lumpy thump out of it. kyle already has an msd set up from the carts we can use for timing multi cylinders, but we don't want to put to much cost into it. who ever thought bicycles would be so much fun.