When you live in a part of the world where there is a longer winter with plenty of snow and ice you'll likely see such thingss. Where I live I've only seen a dozen snowmobiles now and ridden on one of them. But as a kid one of my uncles had these old "Boys Life" magazines from the mid fifties he had collected and I was allowed to peruse thru them on rainy days when visiting.
There was a bike very similar to the one in the photo but more home spun. The rear wheel was wrapped with an old mans leather belt where small holes had been punched in two rows to stick roofing tacks thru those holes. The tacks were then cut with pinch cutters to where they rose about 1/4 inch above the leather and this was wrapped around the tire. The belt was wrapped with heavy wire thru the rim & spokes round and round in about two inch spaces to lash it tight to the rim. This was then taped over with cloth electricians tape of the day. (today we would use duck tape)
The ski on the front forks had a larger wooden half circle fixed to the ski. Thus the forks didn't have to be extended as the top of the
half disc rose high enough for the bolt and 2x4 spacer blocks on either side to
allow the bolt to mount the forks and keep the bike level. The ski had 2 2x4's shaped to it running it's length with screws coming up thru the ski into them to make it solid and between the 2x4's sandwiched was the wooden half disc bolted in place. It was all pedal power. I'm sure it was fun for the kids of those days and an inspiration for tykes like me back then either to see it in operation or look at the plans in a magazine.
By the time many young boys were getting old enough to take up tools and do things they were hearing Gloria Steinem telling their moms, "If only women had the courage to raise their sons as daughters". Then she never had kids of her own to experiment with. LOL So I made every effort to get raised as a
boy while there was still time left.
Years later, speaking of specialized snow adapted devices, I saw a VW Bug with the rear fenders removed and a tire/tack drive like on the back of that bike. I don't think it had ski's on the front wheels either.
I've seen old pictures of a sled with a motorcycle in the center of it with the front wheel removed and bolted up similar to what I described above. It was braced at the back to keep it solid and the rear tire had been snow studded smiliar to the bicycle tire. On either side of the bike were two seat backs so two people could ride on the sled seated on either side of the cycle. out on the front was a smaller stearing sled that the riders could steer with a rope. I'm sure sitting next to the carb the speed could be controled and they wouldn't have wanted to go real fast.
With winter coming....we could see some real creativity around here. You don't have to be the first to do something. In fact reviving something everyone has forgotten is a thrill when you see the reactions of people who never heard of it before.