Fake oil tank


Well-Known Member
I needed a good way to carry a small 4 oz bottle of 2 stroke oil in case I needed to gas up along the way. I found a tin containing tea bags in my cupboard that looked like it might work. I mounted it and it did the job nicely.
Nice idea WB. Looks good, plus, you have room for a couple of tea bags, just in case you run into one of our British members. Thanks for sharing the idea.

had that exact same idea long ago , but couldn,t find a good enough can with a good enough lid . Glad to see someone finally made one .
Looks real good , ( i've always liked the round oil can look )
The rear 39T sprocket came from Kings and it is bolted to the disk mount. It is very smooth and light.
I agree that it is hard to find something suitable for the fake oil tank. 1lb coffee cans are too big and have plastic lids. I had also tried a shortened Pringles can.
A 6 inch long piece of thin wall PVC pipe and 2 end caps would do real nice for this type of storage container and could probably be built for about $5.

Glue one cap on and leave the other side to just push on - pull off and if it was to loose it would be very simple to make a small latch or retainer to keep the cap from vibrating off.

then paint it to desired color and BAM....! there ya go!

Peace, map
I needed a good way to carry a small 4 oz bottle of 2 stroke oil...

I am thinking... fill the handle bars with oil, and the corks from the champagne you will drink in celebration of this step forward, will serve to keep it in... !? I gotta stop smokin this stuff!