Cheapo clutch fix


Well-Known Member
I never could keep my China girl clutch adjusted properly. I may have gotten a bad one or maybe I damaged it through bad adjustments when I was a newbie. I needed more pull distance in my clutch lever. I found a couple of mountain bike bar ends in my garage and arranged them to form a sort of accessory bar. My stock clutch lever now pulls a good bit more cable. I will be sawing off the extra length of bar end and plugging it.
I did regular adjustments on the cable and flower nut. I replaced the bucking bar (plunger?) with one that I fabbed myself so that I could customize the length. Clutch still would not fully release consistently at stop lights. If I loosened the flower nut enough to allow the clutch to release as desired, it would slip while accelerating and cruising.
Tired of there constant problems and adjustments, I modified the clutch lever as shown above. I have also installed a centrigugal clutch and have been happy with it.