chain tensioner modification

On every MB I've seen or pictured here, a wheel or roller is used for the tensioner. Has anyone ever tried a sproket instead. Where I work there are lots of high speed conveyors, filling and capping machines and many are chain drive. All of the tensioners I see on these machines use sprokets as opposed to rollers. I can see where the alignment with a sproket would be more critical than would be required with a nylon roller but there are some very nice bearing style sprokets available, (one or two might be scroungable). Is it a no-no or has anyone tried it?
I laugh everytime I look at this post I think its one of the funniest ones on here and we have some good ideas too.rotfl I've seen some sprocket used I think we don't see more if they may cost more. Heck I found my skate board wheels for my bike laying in the road just the wheels on a busted truck laying in the road. I saw that and said son of a B there is a God in Heaven. I stopped and picked them up.
Norman and Rufus
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Here is a tensioner I put together for under $3.00 (^). I used the kit roller and part of the bracket. The springs are 2 in a pack for $1.00 and the 2 metal pieces are .80 cents each. .40 cents for the center bolt. :D

Well, it looked good and seemed like a good idea at the time. It worked ok, but I don't like the spring I used. It did not put enough tension on the chain and when i let off the throttle, the chain gets a lot of slack on the top side because the tensioner drops down from the pressure. I do not want to take any chances on the chain jumping off. I may still experiment with different springs and see what happens. I am considering attaching a spring above the idler and have it PULL up. I'll update if I figure it out. :o

A work in progress...:crash:
Great thread! You folks are a joy 2 know. When you guys veer off unexpectedly, I either learn the answer to a question I didn't know I had yet or laugh out loud. Just saying thankx.

Have no pics yet, but have a caloricly challenged cat named Ethel who is dating a skunk and has a pet blind mouse who she eats with. The mouse sneeks in to the house to partake of her food bowl. "Bill" the blind mouse didn't run so she didn't chase him down and eat him. Hart warming to watch them share a meal. I have never found any mouse poop and he eats very lil, so whats the harm. (Except it drives the Baby's Momma crazy)

Side note; I finally got around to removing my tensioner and shortened the well stretched chain on my point beach. 2 links less, and is perfect! Next day, flat tire and couldn't ride. snork
Biker Mike

Before you rework the whole thing!!!! I like the mount!!! Try walking arround a good hardware store or two...

Look at Rat trap springs and other springs of similar nature! I've been doing some thinking myself. I want to see this thing work for you safely! You seem like the kind of guy who will give feed back... And are also 1 step ahead of me. I thought of one of those springs that hold screen doors shut. The kind that are not long(snake like) but C shaped that rock stationary and snap (hold tension) on the door when closed.

Are you familiar with what I'm describing or should I send a pic? The spring is small like the chain tensioner but snappier. It has two rubber rollers (one on each end).

Please be carefull. Chain derailment is no joke!

About your saying. A street sweeper, the good Lord looks down and sees you following his word in a day of unbelievable greed. He'll put a gold coin on the ground!!! Follow your heart for the Lord's will is enscribbed upon it. It took a long time for me to learn that there is no shame upon this planet. Nothing has happened here our Lord hasn't already seen. God will bless thoose who live life in his obediance.

I'm still tryin to figure out why he put this wrench in my hand and then gave me a broken back??? It's my calling, I do the best I can. Plenty smart enough to be a lawyer for right to life. Maybe he new the fight would bother me too much? Who are we to question?


and when i painted bike and started reassembly i couldnt find my tensioner so i went to rural king and found a half link and chain has worked fine ever since
I have used a sprocket from a bicycle derailuer. I know they are plastic, but it seems af it was made for the job. I'll try and find a pic to post. Meanwhile: Duke needs me to take him to the dog park.


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Biker Mike

Before you rework the whole thing!!!! I like the mount!!! Try walking arround a good hardware store or two...

Look at Rat trap springs and other springs of similar nature! I've been doing some thinking myself. I want to see this thing work for you safely! You seem like the kind of guy who will give feed back... And are also 1 step ahead of me. I thought of one of those springs that hold screen doors shut. The kind that are not long(snake like) but C shaped that rock stationary and snap (hold tension) on the door when closed.

Are you familiar with what I'm describing or should I send a pic? The spring is small like the chain tensioner but snappier. It has two rubber rollers (one on each end).

Please be carefull. Chain derailment is no joke!

Not sure what it looks like. I think I found what I need thou, just need to find a place that carries it. I was looking at my cut off saw the other day and it has a spring that works in the opposite direction than the one I used. I think it will work better. I haven't given up in total defeat just yet. Just postponing it a bit to catch up on other honey do's. :D I'll re-post when I come up with one that works a little better. Thanks for the words of encouragement. it helps to keep you going thru the head banging portion of brain storming.rotfl
yeah the tensioner needing a mod was a suprise for me
this is how i did it....2 bolts, clamp and drill into middle of tensioner =chain doesnt fall off and get stuck into spokes :o


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I started out using the stock plastic roller... That ended up dieing after about 100 miles. Then I switched to a gear out of an old derailleur, which was already in bad shape. And that was eaten within about 300 miles. Now I have a skateboard wheel. I used a high speed drill as a lathe, and a file to cut a groove. I have only had the wheel on for about 100 miles, but it is holding up just fine, no wear, quiet, and should last the life of the bike.
I also have a KMC420 chain now because the to-small rollers on the stock 415 chain were starting to seize (yes, I kept it well greased). But the sticking rollers probably didn't help eating up the derailleur gear.
Here's what I did. I still use the original for guiding (I need it to clear the chainstay), but the spring tensioner takes up the slack.


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I could get a half link, and my chain would be tight enough. It would just hit the frame, so the tensioner helps with that too. I'd love to completely get rid of it.
can tip the engine a bit. I don't use tensioner at all after the chains stretch.
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Anyone that wants tensioner that will not be able to turn into your wheel and take out your spokes can do what i did. Get a scrap peice of 1/8 alum. four clamps and four 1/4x3/4 bolts and nuts. Cut the alum. to fit drill some holes and make a slot and you are in bussiness.


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