The wonderful new government has spoken

SABMAG] Death of minibikes?Thursday, February 12, 2009 8:33 AM
From: "Patrick Mullen" <[email protected]>View contact details To: undisclosed-recipientsSo there is a letter being sent around urging people to sign a
petition to get an exemption for minibikes from the CPSIA - Consumer
Product Safety Improvement Act, which limits lead in childrens' toys.
It seems the law is too broad and protects children who may be
inclined to eat motorcycles. Honda, Kawasaki, and Yamaha have already
instructed its dealers to not sell minibikes or parts, as stated in
the letter to dealers on Motorcycle (first link). Second
link is a second source of information, as other sites online all
quote Motorcycle Daily.

Honda Advises Dealers of Pending Sales Ban on Children's Motorcycles Containing Lead

Here's a link with even more info, with more vendors and reprints listed --
CPSIA: “Black Tuesday” for youth motorbikes

Tom Self, US Representative from Missouri, has an online petition set
up - Representative Tom Self | Official Website

As a father who has been counting down the days until I could buy the
first minibike for my kids, I ask that you please sign the petition.
I've put in the due diligence and believe this to be real.
In a panic to solve all problems for it's citizens government has taken a lot of the citizens freedoms. That or they want to hurt them. I signed the petition.
look they are sticking it to the man again....sure lets put all the small power sports guys out of work too.

I signed it.

How about the Million Motor Ride on Washington....I'm in
I've also heard that this new law is going to put all those used clothing and used toy thrift stores out of business.
I don't know about the USA but here in Ontario we have had re-call after re-call at all the dollar stores because of all the "mouth sized" lead coated toys and baby soothers.
Looks like they never thought this new law through.
dont be fooled, this legislation was done in aug/08- under bush. trackfodder, how many sites are putting this carp on. try the truth.
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dont be fooled, this legislation was done in aug/08- under bush.

Don't be fooled. The old President didn't write the legislation. The D congress did. THIS president will enforce with vigor. That's what we are seeing……motors impounded at the Canadian border.
Simple solution: "these motorcycles are not toys and are not intended to be used by any person under the age of 13."

Don't be fooled. The old President didn't write the legislation. The D congress did. THIS president will enforce with vigor. That's what we are seeing……motors impounded at the Canadian border.

Ahem. Wasn't just the D's.

Totals                Democrats      Republicans     Independents	

Yea: 407   (94%)     215               192                  0
Nay: 0       (0%)         0                  0                  0
Present: 0  (0%)         0                  0                  0
Not Voting:	25(6%)    16                  9                  0

Totals                        Democrats     Republicans     Independents	

Yea: 79 (79%)                   44               33                    2
Nay: 13 (13%)                    0               13                     0
Present: 0  (0%)                 0                 0                     0
Not Voting:	8 (8%)              5                 3                     0

Besides, I think we all know that our Congress isn't the brightest bunch.
Both parties are clueless about what integrity and personal responsibility are. Very few are serving in Washington for the peoples benefit most are there for their own gains. The citizens are the fools that also don't understand how liberty works and vote for the man with the most promises, again most in government are in the class of big talkers, power grabbers and thievs. Benjamin Franklin understood the cost of too big and powerful government:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
If you are old enough to ride a mini bike shouldn't you be old enough not to lick the battery.
Hi gang--Joined 2 min. ago and I love this site already.I'm in British Columbia, Canada.In my 65 years Every time the Government meets we lose rights
I spent 23 of those years in the U.S.and just as soon as a law passes there, our hacks point to the south and say it works, there so we must have it as well.
Every one here is high fiving Obama.I've been called everything but a nice guy when i've
said just you wait.
Call or write you local people and remind them God didn't put them there YOU did.
Welcome aboard, Fast Eddy. It's gonna be a rough ride for at least 2 years. I'm still lookin for a place to hide our guns. When my refund comes, I'm gonna buy up all the ammo and shells I can afford for the coming anarchy. Heck, may have some bolts made for the crossbow as well.
Trackfodder-We have a gun law up here that would make you cry.They said it wouldn't take any more than a million dollars to put it into action.
A 100 million dollars later it was changed so that if you took an approved gun course you could have one.You need the permit to buy ammo.
Hand guns are limited and hard to get unless your a drug dealer.
The end result is the drug gangs are well armed and killing who ever they want.We can't defend ourselves and the cops when they do catch someone have to watch the weak kneed courts let them out on bail to do it again.
If you don't ride herd on the elected hacks, you folks will wind up like us.We didn't care and look what happened to us.
We can't have crossbows either.We may use it to defend ourselves.That is a major crime here.
Nobody's taking anybody's guns away. Not normal ones anyway. Now, if you've got a friggin assault rifle, that may be a different story. But what the heck are you going to do with an assault rifle? Hunt ducks? Seriously.
The cluelessness about rifles is rampant. As a matter of fact, I do hunt with my assault rifle. It is very lightweight, accurate, and makes a great target rifle when I'm not hunting, seriously. Best of all, it has killed less people than Teddy Kennedy has with his car. What are you afraid by wanting to ban my assault rifle? Millions of owners have owned them responsibly for years.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms, disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes." --Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson
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We have had 2 shootings and 4 murders in the last 25 days
The last one was a woman in a car with a 4 year old child in the back seat.She was killed.
Not a lot in some cities but here in Canada that was unheard of 10 years ago.
You can't have a single shot 22 rifle here with out taking a gun course.No semi/full automatic guns of any kind.
Seems they bring guns in for the movies that are shot here in Vancouver and no one checks to make sure they are sent back by the gun dealers.
Most of the guns that are used in crimes are those guns.Our work
Once again it's easier to deprive the lawfull citizens than punish the crooks.

Jasonh-We didn't think they were going to take our guns either.Just because it's in your laws don't think for a minute you can't lose your rights.Check the history of the world.

The new president just authorized 17,000 troops for Afghanistan. I expect those soldiers and marines will be carrying assault rifles. So we train them, send them out to die, and if they make it home we tell them they are not responsible enough to own the same weapon that saved their lives. What sense does that make to anyone here.

If a man commits murder with a slingshot it is still a crime punish him. Or maybe we should ban slingshots instead of holding him responsible.

If a man is inclined to commit a murder he will find a way. If you need suggestions on how to do it without an assault rifle let me know I have a few ideas.

By the way guys I am about to make a couple of predictions.

1. No one has ever won a war in Afghanistan. The afgan people and terrain will break our hearts.

2. North Korea will continue to be a thorn in everyone's side...

3. The economy will continue to be a problem and we will all learn to accept a lower standard of living.

4. There will be wars in the middle east between Arabs and Jews, but also between Arabs and Arabs.

5. People will continue to blame George Bush for everything from sour milk to two headed calves.

6. Young men will do stupid things and Old men will still build motorbikes.

7. life in general will go on no matter who is president.