Biking in Traffic


New Member
Dec 19, 2009
McLean VA
I find that riding in urban areas on roads with lots of cars is really easy on my motorized bike. The speed of my MB (30+ mph) usually lets me keep up with the flow of traffic and fit in, which is impossible when I’m just pedaling my regular bike..

When I need to make a left turn, it’s not really hard to fit in with traffic even if I have to cut across several lanes of traffic to make my turn. If there is a car on in the lane to my left, I will signal by pointing with one finger directly to the spot on the road that I want to go to. The car in the left lane will almost inevitably slow to give me the spot. In fact, they will almost always give me the spot if I simply turn my head to the left.

I also ride on lots of old curvy narrow 2-lane roads with no shoulders and traffic in both directions. It’s almost impossible for a car to pass any bike no matter how far it rides to the right. But on my motorized bike I keep up with traffic hardly slowing it down at all.

This means that I can ride my motorized bike on roads where I would never ride my pedal bike. I ride my motorized bike for almost all my shopping and errands using roads with lots of traffic. I couldn’t do that on my pedal bike. (And even if I could, it would take too long and be too tiring.)



Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
The traffic doesn't bother me much, as we are limited to roads with lower speed limits in TX. However, I will normally avoid left turns and substitute the "cross and then cross again" method.