Full suspension BMX pit bike



New Member
Mar 14, 2010
Whiteville, TN
This is one of my fav's, quick, light, fun. I can bunnyhop 180 pretty easily and hits BMX ramp/ quarterpipe. 50cc Cag pocket motor, front freewheel, x-2 tranny, 16" mud tires. 4130 chromolly frame. 35mph



New Member
Sep 26, 2008
HaHa, Fun! Every few weeks sum'm cool and previously under my radar pops into my world. This is one of those very cool things. Great stuff.

When I was 5 I learned to ride a bicycle in the way that most young kids do. You know the old chesnut; your dad's pushing you down the road and you look back and realize that he's no longer holding you up and return your view to the "road ahead" just in time to feel the jolt of a steel bumper impeding forward progress and see yourself being hucked accross the hatch of your neighbors Pinto (1976).

So, needless to say, I was instantly hooked! Some mo's later I was riding wheelies down the road. Then began the jumping, oh the jumping! We found the biggest launches in town w/ a reasonable landing.

But like poker's no fun w/o $, jumpin's no fun w/o stakes. So we lined bikes up and jumped over'em. It wasn't enough! So, we had our kid sister's lay down on the other side of the bikes (bikes are hard to come by when your a kid) and we jumped over them too!

These Are Kid Sister Jumpin' Bikes! Evan FBC

Do Not Try At Home!
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New Member
Mar 14, 2010
Whiteville, TN
That rear disk brake stops pretty good. Only thing missin is cranks, thats next build. Thisones for sale, TOO much fun for the money.


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
Whiteville, TN
That bike started out life as a Dirt Pocket. I designed a new frame cuz I trashed the Chinese peice of $#%Y do'n 360's. It used to have little wheels, then I designed hub to lace up with 16" wheels. The rims are double wall Alex DM-24's which have proven to be super durable. This bike is well worth the money. The CAG motor is in ample supply, you cn buy a whole new motor with tranny for 100 bucks or less. No reason you cant ride this thing forever. All the welds are TIG, frame is 4130 chromolly. Recently added chain tensioner and front freewheel although it'll work pretty good with just a fixed sprocket too. Pipe is custom X-can style that forms perfectly inside the frame for no bash probs.


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